School / Club Link
A Club-School Link is an agreement between a school and a club to work together to develop the very best level of quality and opportunity for young people to play sport within their local area.
By stimulating interest in the sport through good experiences at school, and then providing a seamless pathway for the participation to continue and develop further within a local club, this aims to ensure that young people can get the very most out of their chosen sports and begin a lifelong involvement in the game (s)
Club-School Links can work in a number of ways but always tend to be characterised by the following:
- Effective communications – club and school in regular contact, i.e. between at least one designated person from both the school and club
- Structured activity – opportunities for young people from the school to participate, e.g. coaching sessions, competitions, leadership opportunities at events etc. This can either be in a community and/or school setting
- Participation – young people participating in club sport – either as an athlete/player or leader – as a result of the link
How could your school benefit from a link with a local club?
- Increased opportunities for your pupils
- Raise the school’s profile in the community
- Share facilities and equipment
- Access expert coaches delivering in school to work with teachers
- Deliver Out of School Hours Club
- Healthier & more physically active pupils – improving standards across the school
- Increase awareness of exit routes for players, coaches and volunteers
- Access CPD for teachers – training courses & more ideas by working with quality clubs and coaches
There are a range of examples where clubs and schools have worked together effectively to increase the quality and quantity of various sports delivery within the school(s) and to help grow their junior membership numbers. Hopefully there are enough examples to help different sizes and types of clubs to generate some ideas about how you could develop your Club-School Links.
The Junior Coordinator at a club is usually the main contact regarding Club-School Links. You can also contact your local NGB who may be able to offer you some support.
When creating a School – Club Link, club accreditation becomes important. By definition a club that has achieved a club accreditation i.e. Charter Standard (FA accreditation) or ECB Clubmark (Cricket) must have child protection and health and safety procedures in place and will of course be a NGB recommended club.